Friday, May 17, 2013

A little post from the phone..

It's been awhile. I know, I keep saying I will be better at this and keep failing. Since I'm sitting in the library waiting for a file to load and it's 11:00 pm, I thought it might be a good time to update you all (whoever that may be) on our lives over here in the middle of the pacific. 

Oh, there is a good story to why I am sitting in the library at 11 pm waiting for this file to upload. But we will get to that later. 

Anyway, WE MOVED! Twice in the last month! Surprised? Didn't think so. But wait, there's a twist to out latest move. It will be P-E-R-M-A-N-E-N-T until I graduate. Hallelujah! We are done moving for a year and a half! I have enjoyed making this apartment our little home and have finally hung the pictures we have been moving around since August. Yikes. It's great to have a home to call our own and has made a huge difference in our attitude towards this place. Major blessing!

Anthony has a new job that he loves more than any job he has ever had (I'm pretty positive it's safe to say that even though he has never actually said those words). He comes home happy every night! I love it. He is working at a local ranch taking people on trail rides, taking care of the horses, and helping with manual labor around the property. I've never seen this boy happier to work! Not to mention the best thing about being married to a "wrangler" is that I can go ride with him whenever (WHENEVER) I want! Ha! So I love his job too;) for more than one reason! 

I'm still working at the library and loving it! I do sort of feel like I live in here though... My classes are great, it's nice to have a pretty easy semester before the chaos (17/18 + credits a semester) hits. We haven't been to the beach much which makes me pretty sad. Oh well, we aren't here to vacation:(!

Ok, so why am I sitting in the library so late and how did I get here?
Well, I'm here because I can't find my connector cord and needed to upload a video (of my first lesson) by midnight. The computers here have nifty little slots that are made for your SD card so you don't need a connector so I had to come in! Genius. Now why am I here so late? Well, I had class until 5:40 and got home and needed to make dinner. So I spent an hour and a half prepping and cooking dinner so it could be ready when Anthony got home. He came home, we had a nice dinner, caught up on our favorite TV show, and planned to get to bed early. Well, it's almost ten by the time he is in be and I am getting ready. I am literally seconds away from jumping in the shower when this thought comes into my head: "what time is it? Oh crap. You didn't upload your video. It has to be in by midnight. Crap crap crap. Go get dressed!!! You have no choice!" So I run out of the bathroom exclaiming to Anthony that I forgot to upload my video (he has no clue what the heck I'm talking about) and how I'm glad the library is open until midnight. At this point I'm a little upset because its getting late and I just wanted to go to bed but I was laughing, a little. How the heck did I forget to do this?!? So I practically ran to the library and then couldn't figure out what to do because none of the computers had SD slots!!! I had to ask someone (embarrassing because I work here) where/how to do what I needed. They kindly pointed me towards media services where I could rent a computer that has the slot I need. I then go rent a computer and because I have turned into a Mac-tard I cannot figure out this PC to save my life. I eventually figured it out after about 20 minutes. Now I'm just sitting here waiting for it to finish. So, that's why I am here when I would rather be in bed. 

Oh well.

I hope everyone is doing well! We love it here and are so grateful for all our many blessings from our Father above. We feel his constant love and support in our daily lives and wouldn't make it through some days without it. We love you all. I'm excited to see family in 3 weeks! I still miss everyone a lot!

Love you all. 

P.S. sorry there are no pictures on this post. Just lots of words. 

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