Thursday, December 6, 2012

I want to ride my bicycle!

We have a new toy and I am so excited about it! I GOT A BIKE! Wahoooo! It's definitely a fixer upper, but lucky for me I married a man who knows A LOT about bikes (Ellsworth Bikes-duh it's in his blood).  I don't have a picture of it right now, but its an ugly purple color (it will be red by next week) and has lots of rust. Our friend Marcus works at Ace Hardware and hooked us up with a really awesome discount on some stuff to fix up my new ride:) I am so excited to finally have my own little cruiser! I can't wait to have it all fixed up and pretty. Thanks Anthony for the early Christmas present:)!

For some reason the previous owner had put pegs on the back of the cruiser, so we have been putting those to use! Anthony literally begs to ride the bike and I then get the wonderful opportunity to stand on those teeny pegs while holding on for dear life. Yeah, it's an adventure. Tonight we got a basket for the front and went grocery shopping. We started on our way home with me on the bike,  some groceries in the basket, and Anthony following on foot with the rest of the groceries. We didn't even get halfway before Anthony was on the bike, I was on the pegs, and all the groceries were tucked away in the basket. Somehow he always weasels his way onto MY bike while I stand on the back. I still don't know how that happens every time we are out. haha. Oh well.

We haven't been up to much lately, other than work and sleep! It's been really fun having jobs and hanging out! Today we worked our first shift together and I really liked it!! Not sure how Anthony enjoyed it, but I thought it was fun. Anyway, we are both really enjoying our jobs and the people we work for/with. The family that owns Kahuku Grill is awesome! It's a big family of boys who run the place along with their father. We both really enjoy working there.

Well, school is set to start the 7th of January (I think) and Christmas is in 18 days! Crazy! We will miss our families this year but are excited to start our own family traditions together! The holiday season is a wonderful time to remember what really matters in this life. It's a great time to reflect and think about how we can be better, more Christ-like. It really is one of my favorite times of the year!

We love you guys and hope everyone is well! Sorry this is a long, wordy post. I will put up some pictures of my new bike soon:)

The Ellsworth's

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