Monday, December 31, 2012

probably time to post again...

I feel like it has been forever since I last posted. Time to play catch up! Since my last post so much has happened!

About two/three weeks ago my parents called Anthony and told him they wanted to fly us home for Christmas-and keep it a surprise for me. So, without me knowing, Anthony talked to the manager at Kahuku Grill about our schedules AND talked to Jeanne/Jess about having someone new come in for the week I would be gone. (He's the best:) Anyway, he got the work situations covered and my mom bought us tickets! No one could keep it a secret so I found out a few days in advance. When I found out I literally cried tears of happiness. It was the best Christmas present ever. I was so excited to spend the week with my whole family under one roof, one last time for at least 3 years.

We were scheduled to fly the red eye on Sunday the 23 and arrive around 10 am on Christmas Eve. When we got to the airport the nice man at the counter got us on a 9:50 pm flight since our 11:55 flight had been delayed til 1:15 am (yikes)! We then got to change our connecting flight from San Francisco to San Diego to one a little earlier as well. We really lucked out! When we got to my parents house we were pretty darn tired but so happy to be with family. The whole week was full of fun and family! The list of things we did included caroling, hiking, eating, bowling, staying up late, playing with Easton, eating some more, visiting Anthony's mom's family, and all kinds of other fun activities! It really was so nice to be with family and just enjoy the time we all had together. Even if Anthony didn't talk to me for a whole night after beating him multiple times at bowling:)

Since we are now home, we have a lot to keep busy with! There is still unpacking to do (we moved AGAIN right before going home), books to buy, jobs to work, and fun to have! I guess not that much has really happened since my last blog post, but it sure feels like we have been around the world twice! haha. As sad as we may be that we are so far from family, it's nice to be back and finally settling into a life together. We have been on the move since we got married, living out of suitcases, so its nice to have a "home" together. I am enjoying setting up our little apartment:)

I have been feeling so blessed lately. Even though Hawaii may be a struggle sometimes (yes, hard to believe... I know) I know we are in the right place, doing the right thing and everything will work out the way it needs to be. We thank our Heavenly Father every night for the opportunity we have to be here at this University, together, and for the beautiful place we get to call home for the next 2 years. Time moves quickly and I remind myself every day to enjoy right now, not to look too far forward. 2012 is coming to a quick end this evening and I am so grateful for all the trials and blessings this last year has brought into my life, they have only made me stronger. As we look forward to 2013, I hope it can bring us just as much, if not more, happiness than 2012! Here's to an awesome 2012 and an even more awesome 2013 ahead!

Love you all! Pics of our trip home will be up later :)

The Ellsworth's

Monday, December 10, 2012

Watch this!

Yesterday at church we watched this video.

I absolutely love this and I think you all will too.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crock pot + bike basket = .......

This weekend was full of Christmas parties! It was fun to be with friends and get a little Christmas spirit going here in Hawaii! Friday night we went to our ward party where they had a WHOLE pig, head and all, on the EAT! hahaha I couldn't stop staring at it because the HEAD was still there! ha! Not used to that. Apparently I will get used to it since its completely normal here. The food was good, we met lots of awesome people in our ward, and even got to see Santa! After the ward party we went to see the movie, Life of Pi. It was a pretty good movie, lots of floating around the ocean. Anyone who knows me knows that I would probably rather die than float around the ocean all alone for 200+ days. The open ocean is a bit terrifying in my opinion. Anyway, it was a good movie! It had some really nice messages too, which is always refreshing in movies these days.

Saturday we went to the beach with Meg and Marcus. The boys went body surfing while us girls sat on the beach and read our books in silence! It was perfect. We then headed home and just hung out until it was time to go to our second Christmas party of the weekend! One of the girls who works at Jeanne's house (Jeanne's main caretaker) lives in the apartment above Jeanne's 3 car garage with her husband. Jessica (Jess) is actually married to one of my brother and sister's really good friend, Dewey. That's how I got the job at the mansion. Connections, obviously. Anyway, the party was at Jess and Dewey's house. I made a pudding cake/lava cake thing in the crock pot for the party only to realize the only way to get it to the party was to put it in the basket on my bike...Yeah, didn't think it through too well. hahaha. We made it all the way to the house without any spills or accidents but when we parked our bikes by the front door I turned away from my bike (for literally 2 seconds) and my handle bars/front tire turned due to the weight in the basket. You can probably guess that I didn't get there in time to catch it... So, we had lava cake all over and were standing at Jess's front door. Oops. Good thing that recipe makes a lot! The party was good after that little fiasco and we met more really nice married couples! Everyday it seems we are making more friends. I love it!

( Jenga was the game of choice for the boys last night)

Today we didn't do much. We went to church and now we are sitting around waiting for dinner to be done. Drew Toolson and Heidi Poppleton (younger, fun, friends from home) are coming over to eat with us tonight. It's the last Sunday of the semester so I thought it would be fun to have them over before they go home:) Everyone starts to leave this week so it will be pretty empty next week at church. It seems everyone we meet is going home for Christmas! There isn't a whole lot going on this week besides work for both of us. Jeanne is having a little Christmas "party" on Thursday and she invited everyone who works at her mansion and their spouses/significant others too. It will probably be a very blog worth afternoon. haha. Oh! and we move on Thursday! Thats exciting for us! I will post pictures of our new home next weekend:)

We hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas spirit wherever they are and remembering what this season is truly about!

Love you guys!!

P.S. Singing Christmas hymns at church is THE BEST!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I want to ride my bicycle!

We have a new toy and I am so excited about it! I GOT A BIKE! Wahoooo! It's definitely a fixer upper, but lucky for me I married a man who knows A LOT about bikes (Ellsworth Bikes-duh it's in his blood).  I don't have a picture of it right now, but its an ugly purple color (it will be red by next week) and has lots of rust. Our friend Marcus works at Ace Hardware and hooked us up with a really awesome discount on some stuff to fix up my new ride:) I am so excited to finally have my own little cruiser! I can't wait to have it all fixed up and pretty. Thanks Anthony for the early Christmas present:)!

For some reason the previous owner had put pegs on the back of the cruiser, so we have been putting those to use! Anthony literally begs to ride the bike and I then get the wonderful opportunity to stand on those teeny pegs while holding on for dear life. Yeah, it's an adventure. Tonight we got a basket for the front and went grocery shopping. We started on our way home with me on the bike,  some groceries in the basket, and Anthony following on foot with the rest of the groceries. We didn't even get halfway before Anthony was on the bike, I was on the pegs, and all the groceries were tucked away in the basket. Somehow he always weasels his way onto MY bike while I stand on the back. I still don't know how that happens every time we are out. haha. Oh well.

We haven't been up to much lately, other than work and sleep! It's been really fun having jobs and hanging out! Today we worked our first shift together and I really liked it!! Not sure how Anthony enjoyed it, but I thought it was fun. Anyway, we are both really enjoying our jobs and the people we work for/with. The family that owns Kahuku Grill is awesome! It's a big family of boys who run the place along with their father. We both really enjoy working there.

Well, school is set to start the 7th of January (I think) and Christmas is in 18 days! Crazy! We will miss our families this year but are excited to start our own family traditions together! The holiday season is a wonderful time to remember what really matters in this life. It's a great time to reflect and think about how we can be better, more Christ-like. It really is one of my favorite times of the year!

We love you guys and hope everyone is well! Sorry this is a long, wordy post. I will put up some pictures of my new bike soon:)

The Ellsworth's