It's been raining on and off all day which has been kind of nice since its been in the 90's and hot all week. But I am not complaining because it's a million times better than the snow!
Anyway, we decided to go out in the rain and explore close to home today with the dogs since we have a neighborhood chili cook off to attend tonight. Anthony and I like to spend as much time as we can with the dogs during the weekend since they spend a lot of time during the week inside. We ended up going out to an empty field nearby where there were lots of trails we could walk on while the pups ran wild and free. Since they love water and freedom, they were in heaven! I took advantage of this opportunity to play around with my camera (Anthony wanted to play with it too, hence some of the pics below..) but since it was raining and I didn't have a lot of protection for my camera, I didn't get too many photos. Oh well! Still a good time practicing on my favorite furry subjects!