Monday, August 19, 2013

One Year!

Saturday was our one year anniversary! Can't believe how quickly it crept up on us! Anyway, I thought I would post about how our day went (for anyone that even cares). I'm going to apologize ahead of time for this post since it will most likely be a long one. I will try to keep words to a minimum.

So Saturday we were both supposed to have the whole day off just to hang out and do whatever we wanted to celebrate our anniversary... Well, that didn't actually happen (and that's ok!) because earlier in the week Anthony was scheduled to work in the morning since they were desperate for someone to help with a big field trip. I was a little bummed since I love lazy Saturdays, but it was actually a good thing he was scheduled to work so I could get some stuff done around the house, haha! I hadn't made any plans for the day (Anthony's orders) so I had all morning before he got home to clean and tidy up the house and do laundry (we are both so busy during the week that it gets a little messy around here). Naturally, I woke up and decided I wanted to spend my morning at the temple instead of clean for 5 hours. ha! I got up with Anthony, got ready, and sent him off to work before heading to the temple at 8:45. I ended up just hanging out on the grounds until 10, stayed until 12, and walked home to finally start cleaning. It was actually a really nice morning and I'm sad Anthony couldn't share it with me! I then started cleaning and as I'm trying to figure out where to start (getting distracted) I hear Anthony call into the window for me to open the door. I was pretty excited that he surprised me and came home early! I then enlisted him to help me clean before we took off for the afternoon! At this point, all I knew was that we were going on a horseback ride at 4:15. We finished cleaning and headed off to the ranch for our ride. I was especially excited because Anthony had reserved my favorite horse for me :) We got to the ranch and I (sort of) helped Anthony put the saddles on the horses...I mostly just talked to him and followed him around watching...hahaha story of his life. Once we got on the horses we headed off on our adventure and almost immediately Anthony starts trotting off. For those of you that have gone horseback riding, you know this is not the smoothest way to go. We then started loping and it was super fun, but I definitely need to work on my form and not being so tense haha. There is proper form for everything, folks. We rode to the lookout and as we were riding up I saw a table set up (they do sunset dinner rides so I assumed it was for the people that were arriving when we left on our ride) and asked Anthony if that other ride was coming up for a dinner ride. He turned around and looked at me with a big smile on his face and said "Nope"! haha it was pretty cute :) So we sat up on the lookout and had a nice little picnic, laughing, joking, and feeding our horses papaya for about 45 minutes. It was perfect. So much fun to get away and be alone in a quiet place together! We rode back in the rain and then helped turn the horses out into the pasture and feed them all. We eventually made it home and decided we were pooped and wanted to get to bed early. So that's what we did! It was great!

My handsome date :)

Standing in a weird pose...
Dante, my fave, stretching it out before the ride back
Trying to capture the rainbow but his horse kept walking away. hahaha!

Again, it was such a fun, perfect afternoon! Anthony is such a good surpriser! :)

Warning. This may get sappy. Apparently I'm a sap sometimes ;)

This last year has been full of achievements and trials, happiness and sadness, and lots of adventures. I am grateful I get to have Anthony next to me through it all. I am so grateful for the love and support Anthony gives me every day. Even when I come home and burst into tears about something totally stupid he is always there, ready to cheer me up. I have learned what it means to love someone unconditionally and to have that love grow stronger every day. I have loved growing closer to my Savior as a couple and an individual. This has been one of the best and most challenging years of my life so far and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Marriage is hard sometimes and not everything comes naturally to me, that is for sure, but Heavenly Father is constantly helping me become a better person and wife. I wouldn't be where I am today without His help. I am excited to see where this life takes us and the adventures that are thrown our way! 

I love you Anthony!


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