Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another Month.....

They seem to be flying by. Where is the time going??? We have 3 more weeks of the semester and then one week off before summer semester starts. We are both seriously looking forward to that week off. It's been a rough semester. We get to move again in April, luckily to one of the nicer campus housing complexes. That will be fun, as always! I am seriously done with moving, I think I am losing my mind! hahaha. I am really looking forward to this summer semester since I'm taking 6 classes but split into two blocks. So only 3 at a time:) I'm also a very happy girl because I get to be in San Diego for 4 weeks in June/July and Anthony will be there for 3! We are so excited to see everyone and even attend a few weddings;) I'm sad we will be saying goodbye to my parents for 3 years, but excited to hear about their new adventures! So many life events to look forward to!! (Oh, we can't forget about the new Thacker baby we will get to meet while home as well-that will be one of the highlights of my trip!)

Yesterday was a Hawaiian holiday so naturally we went to the beach all day! Rough life, I know. It was fun to spend a day just talking (mostly the girls) and playing on the beach with friends! Surprisingly, Anthony and I haven't spent a ton of time at the beach since moving here...between the rain and school we have been pretty busy! Today around noon (after our classes) we are heading into town (Honolulu) to meet up with our friend Tiffany and her new husband, Brent, while they are here on a cruise. It will be nice to see some friends from home and catch up!

In other news, we are absolutely loving married life! My favorite part? Getting to have a slumber party with my best friend every single night! Seriously, what could be better?!? It's been so much fun moving to a new place and trying to figure out our new life together! We've made some really awesome friends so far and can't wait to see what else our future holds! I can't believe we will be celebrating 8 months together in April. Wow. I know it's not that long, but I feel like we were just coming out of the temple yesterday. Time flies when you're having fun!:)

We can't wait to see you all this summer!!!

Seriously, come visit!

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