Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Ok, I'm done starting my blog posts about how I will be better about posting. I've accepted the fact that once or twice a month is about as good as it will get right now.

We haven't been up to much lately. Anthony travels a ton for work, which leaves Gemma and I in Rexburg with lots of quiet time. It's a good thing she is such a sweet dog. Also, it's a good thing she doesn't mind sleeping all afternoon while I'm gone.... We are both in our second week of the semester, Anthony is taking online classes & I am taking mostly on campus classes. I still work at one of the elementary schools and love every moment of it!  I've had the opportunity to substitute a few times, which has been both rewarding and incredibly eye opening.

Anthony loves his new job, even though it requires lots of travel and time away from home. It was a huge blessing for him to get this job and be so successful at it. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Especially when he's been gone for a week or two... 

After this winter semester we are packing up (temporarily) and heading to Louisiana for 4 months (I am REALLY excited about this!), where Anthony will work and I will play!;) (jk I might get a job too....) it's been a dream of mine to visit the south, so the thought of living there for 4 (of the hottest) months is really helping me make it through school! It's going to be one hot, sticky, awesome, southern summer! 

We don't have much more going on around here. I do have some pictures I can share, which is all you probably care about anyway! ;)

Here are some pics from Christmas:

Eason and Gemma aka new BFF's

Holding Jude = heaven

Of course VG's!

Gemma LOVING the beach!

Potato Chip rock 

Also, it's a bad idea to drive by your parents house while they are on a mission and someone random is living there... :'(

Aaaaand back to Rexy!

I WILL get better about taking photos...
